cigar accessories, click here! The tradition of making and enjoying fine hand-rolled cigars has been passed down from generation to generation here on the small island of Key West. Our intention at the Key West-Havana Cigar Company is to invite you to partake in that tradition by offering only the world's finest cigars in our new shop. Located on historic Duval Street. For many years, Key West was the "cigar capital of the world", even surpassing Havana. With far more cigar factories hand-rolling and exporting quality cigars than any place on the globe, Key West became the richest city per capita in the United States. The Key West-Havana Cigar Company is celebrating the renaissance of this art, so quality cigars may be enjoyed by the discriminating smoker. The distinctive craft that allows us to offer only the best survives today in just a few unique locations. Special conditions of climate, and the abilities of a talented few cigar makers are rare commodities in this modern world. We have searched far and wide to bring you the ultimate result of the cigar makers craft. We stock only the finest in our walk-in cedar humidor. You'll find it a pleasurable experience sitting on a comfortable couch in our shop, and puffing on a truly great cigar, while surrounded by cigar related art and labels, and Key West hospitality. Only choice Connecticut shade grown wrappers, and a modest, select blend of filler leaves from a privileged harvest in the Dominican Republic are used in our cigars. This assures the connoisseur the smooth draw, and distinctive flavor of the cigars we offer for sale in our store. We hope you'll join us, and enjoy our selection of cigars. We proudly supply the
following quality items: Humatic, 44 Magnum Cutters, El Toro and El Torito cutters, Cigar sizer, Club Havana ashtray, Evermoist, Journey of the Havana Cigar, John Christopher and El Siboney Humidors. Key West Havana Cigar Co. tee shirts and hats, La Cubanita tee shirts, Five Cent Cigar Co. tee shirts and hats... Cigar
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